May 10, 2013

Breaking Bad cross-stitch

I'm a HUGE Breaking Bad fan, it's my favorite show of all time, hands down. So when I came across these amazing Breaking Bad Iotacons by Andy Rash, I just knew I had to make them in cross-stitch, since it's basically the same as pixel art. I hadn't used thread and needle since I was about fourteen years old, but it's like riding a bike, you don't forget how to do it. This was so much fun to do and it will remind me of how awesome Breaking Bad is once it's over this year :(

Anyway, now I feel very tempted to do an Indiana Jones one. Or maybe just cross-stitch everything!


  1. Replies
    1. haha, thanks Charlyn! But I'd say I'm mostly a nerd ;D

  2. Es que mola lo de pixelar personajes. He hecho algún cuadro para regalo y siempre triunfan los muñequines.
    Julia, quería hacer un post reseñando tus ilustraciones y tus trabajos con lana, te importa q utilice alguna de las fotos del blog?

    1. Yo no había hecho punto de cruz en siglos, y la verdad es que ahora me ha entrado el gusanillo. Y claro, utiliza las fotos que te apetezca :D

  3. This rules! I love how easy it is to tell who each character is. And I can't wait for the final season :)

    1. I can't wait either, but I'll be so sad once it's done...

      And yeah! Andy really does magic with pixels, you can really tell who is who with such little information :D
